Download GS Auto Clicker for Windows
GS Auto Clicker Download is a handy tool that allows you to click your mouse automatically instead of clicking manually. If you frequently click your mouse while playing games or working, this app can free up your finger and save you time.
All you need to do is press a specific hotkey and GS Auto Clicker will help you finish clicking. The app also allows you to record sequences of clicks on different parts of the screen and use them repeatedly. In the Options menu, you can choose which mouse button you want to use and specify single or double clicks. The app can also be set to keep clicking until you stop or click a certain number of times, and you can set the interval between clicks in hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds. It is compatible with Vista, Windows 7, and 64-bit systems.
In Portuguese (Brazil):
É uma ferramenta útil que ajuda você a clicar automaticamente e melhorar seu desempenho durante uma tarefa sem graça ou desenvolver algum trabalho sem nem precisar estar lá. É uma excelente maneira de economizar toneladas de esforço ao executar uma tarefa de rotina, por exemplo, ao jogar um jogo que só exige que você clique.
Ele foi projetado para simplificar tarefas repetitivas de clique, tornando-se uma excelente solução para jogadores e indivíduos envolvidos em atividades monótonas de computador. Você pode automatizar essas tarefas usando-o, economizando tempo e esforço.
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Key Features:
- Task Scheduling.
- Simple Interface.
- Portable Version.
- Click Automation.
- Loop Functionality.
- Low Resource Usage
- Multi-Screen Support.
- Hotkeys for Activation.
- Click Location Settings.
- Customizable Click Options.
System Requirements:
- OperatingSystem: Windows (11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, or XP).
- Processor: Minimum 1 GHz Processor or later.
- RAM: 2 GB (4 GB Recommended or more).
- Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or above.
How To Install It?
- First Download GS Auto Clicker.
- After the Download, Extract the zip file using WinRAR or WinZip
- After the Extract, the zip file Installs the Program As Normal.
- After installation, Don’t Run the Software.
- Please Always Read the README File.
- Please, Copy & Paste the File into the c/program files.
- After Install, Run the Software.
- You are Done it. Now Enjoy the Full Version.
- Please share it on your “Social Platforms”.
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